• Education through Motivations and Inspirations
  • Welcome to Logical Point

        R K Sharma
    (Educator, Motivator)
To be able to create the necessary awareness for the need and importance of computer education and to provide the quality education training in Information Technology. Therefore our Institute has implemented above mission that provides employable skills. The main function of the Institute is to provide higher technical education at nominal charges for every group of society of urban & rural areas and get success in computer revolution which is the main dream of Logical Point.

    Shivay Sanjeev
    (Author, Educator)
  Director-Educo Plus

Welcome All MY DEAR STUDENTS, To remain upgraded, At EducoPlus we believe that our service/product has the potential to benefit your students and influence their academic performance and confidence level. Having gone through this course, a child would be able to pursue excellence in whatever he/she wanted to do in school or in life. In terms of values, this program is a wonderful and everlasting gift to a child.
          " Wish you all the best"

   (Project Director)

Welcome All LOGICALPOINT COMPUTER EDUCATION, To remain upgraded, it is necessary to undergo critical awakening to the fact that learning is an ongoing process..
Wish you all the best
“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.”

    Ravi Sen Gupta
(Motivator, Team Leader)

Welcome All LOGICALPOINT COMPUTER EDUCATION, To remain upgraded, it is necessary to undergo critical awakening to the fact that learning is an ongoing process..
Wish you all the best
“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.”

    Ashish Kumar

Welcome All LOGICALPOINT COMPUTER EDUCATION, To remain upgraded, it is necessary to undergo critical awakening to the fact that learning is an ongoing process..
Wish you all the best
“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.”

    Nisha Sharma
        Member - LP

Welcome All LOGICALPOINT COMPUTER EDUCATION, To remain upgraded, it is necessary to undergo critical awakening to the fact that learning is an ongoing process..
Wish you all the best
“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.”

    Aashutosh Ojha
      (Legial Advisor)
      LP, Jharkhand

Welcome All LOGICALPOINT COMPUTER EDUCATION, To remain upgraded, it is necessary to undergo critical awakening to the fact that learning is an ongoing process..
Wish you all the best
“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.”

    Ashish Kumar

Welcome All LOGICALPOINT COMPUTER EDUCATION, To remain upgraded, it is necessary to undergo critical awakening to the fact that learning is an ongoing process..
Wish you all the best
“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.”

News and Announcement


Educational Programme
